Monday, February 1, 2010

Fast Food Nation:chapter 5

1. Who is J.R. Simplot? What connections does J.R. Simplot have to the fast food industry?

- J.R. Simplot is a man that built an empire that consists of the making of french fries. Simplot's empire makes french fries, which is an easy food to eat. Frech fries are considered fast food. "Looming over the whole enterprise is the spirit of one man: John Richard Simplot, America's great potato baron, whose seemingly inexhaustible energy and willingness to take risks built an empire based on french fries." (pg.146)

2. What is PGI and how successful has it been at organizing potato farmers?

- "The PGI is a nonprofit organization that supplies market information to farmers and helps them negotiate contracts with processors." (pg.156-157) PGI has not been very successful with organizing potato farmers. "Today there are roughly 1,100 potato farmers left in Idaho-few enough to fit in a high school auditorium. About half of them belong to the PGI, but the organization needs at least three-quarters of them as members to gain real bargaining power." (pg. 158)

3. What is the "fallacy of composition?"

- "The fallacy of composition is a logical error-a mistaken belief that what seems good for an individual will still be good when others do the same thing." (pg. 158)

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